take care my dearest brother. i'll definitely miss you loads!
yayy new skin!i think its so pretty and im getting better at editing html codes haha.or maybe im just trying to entertain myself from the boring books.argh lagging behind again and recess week isnt exactly a break at all.one week just isnt enough when you've got to complete term papers, study for term test and so many other projects.i shall attempt not to be so easily distracted!hmmm shall try to ban myself from msn this week!sg be more disciplined!haha
all this is just too overwhelming for me to take. time is passing way too fast for me to catch up. bro leaving in less than 24 hours' time ): dear bro, im so gonna miss you. your whinings, your shoe fetish, your vain-ness, your foodhunting skills, our shopping trips, our camwhorish selves, and the list goes on. take lots of care,
i love you!

my ten-year-old friend! (:

okayy and this was from last week i think.heh i love my og for going to all the weird places with me (:

i find this sooo pretty!the jewellery pieces there are so exquisite and intricate, i wanna be a peranakan too!

okayy random mish-mash of photos which i havent uploaded since forever. haha i wanna go toys museum and russian ballet concert!can i have like 48hours a day plus energizer battery life to last me through?
sick and tired, literally. hahaha okayy i feel like going back to those days when we can skip school and just produce an mc/letter.haha anyway emb is like ((: haha looking at the response just makes me feel happy!jiayou emb comm!
argh save me from the never-ending pile of work!acc is driving me nuts and i realise i have alot of catching up to do!grr and it doesnt help to have the spider demon's class on friday ): can time pass any slower?trying to read up and prove sd wrong and be more intellectual in class but the race against time is simply futile.
and did i mention that its really annoying to have a super irritating fly buzzing around, talking incessantly about her life and nothing else and everything is just so nonsensical!gahh its just so irritating listening to her blabbering on and on and im just so speechless rarr. stop trying to exclude the rest just because you're like being the 'forgotten group member' all the time. i really detest your ways of trying to gain others' sympathy and whatnots. friendship isnt based on sympathy at all. i cant stand your insensitivity, your aa-ness, your nonsensical conversations and basically everything about you.grrrr hate it!
gahh okayy random ranting but yeahh i love my bitching partners in the fellow hate club haha you guys keep me sane (: ohoh anyway im beginning to love trainings lots and lots hahhaha i love my witty coach who's super cute!and yayy cos i can do my rolls properly now!hehh felt damn proud that day when he walked towards us, watched how we performed the whole stance and said 'good!' before walking off hahaha!yayy yeech my best blueberry jam partner! (: hahha and together we'll make blueberry rolls haha okayy getting cranky.haha and thankyou dy for your lameness-to-the-max jokes!hahha sweegeok the singa construction worker hahaha what kinda rubbish is that!okayy enough resting gahh shall go back to my books again!
one of the few times ive experienced the friday greys thanks to the super intimidating mkt tutorials rarr.its just an indescribable feeling, with the tutor rolling her eyes and using sarcasm as her first language. but yeahh thankyou jiayi for listening to my complaints and grumbles after lesson and of course yeechian!for volunteering to let me vent my anger on you during training and being late cos of me!love you loads dear!how i wish i can use
katate-dori attack on her!but yeahh i love training cos it takes my mind off all the emo stuffs and of course the bitching part after training hahahha!thankyouu yeech! (: haha and happy birthday black rabbit though you wont be reading this anyway.i still think the card was damn nice thanks to my ultimate tracing skills and rarr steven sucks for writing in the card that i was the one who suggested the cake smashing.haha anyway i love my og cos they're damn on!thankyou all for going to the museum with me(haha the expression was priceless when i first suggested it!) even though some of you werent exactly interested but yeahh it comes with a full gossip package haha!and they're just super funny with all the lame-ness, weird-ness and gossipy-ness!was voted for queen of spades for some reason and the massive-suanning-sg-session was just rarrrr!hahah but yayy im looking forward to museum outing! ((:
anywayy bahhhbahhblacksheep school's getting more and more hectic and i cant seem to catch up no matter what! ): grrr totally sucks.and it doesnt help when emb seems to be stagnanted rarr.stop trying to argue with me cos i know what im doing and i know you're just trying to find excuses for yourself.please be more responsible and be accountable for your own actions instead of trying to push the blame onto someone else all the time.thats the last warning and this is it.sighhh.help me combat the friday greys!i really hate even weeks. ):
whee yayy i finally got my fifth mod after like 3 weeks!it has indeed been a very long struggle and the dean's office has been my place to go during breaks and all(so much so that the indian guy recognised me and gave me the black face!)but yeahh im so thankful that i finally got it after going through so much!even though its like five cores, its still much better than being short of one!and thankyou ms ng for trying to fit in my tutorials such that i wont miss the first one that starts next week, resulting in much changes to my other lectures and tutorial slots!and now ive been 'levelled up'! (:
haha okayy and its been so much busier with tutorials now and lots of readings to do!gahh whoever said uni is slack must have been drunk/mentally disordered hence voidable contract hahaha okayy too much of bizlaw.its really funny how the tutors kept stressing on the 10% class participation marks in order to entice us to start being active in class and all.its so ironic how the school has to resort to the points system to encourage ppl to speak up.so does it mean that if there're no points awarded, there'll be no questions asked?isnt this worse instead, trying to encourage a society thats so materialistic and practical.
anywayy there was ibiza on sat and well the sun was really good!haha but guess we went too early so it was rather boring and it was more of a tanning and catching up session.then went amk hub to see them making mooncake and it was hahaha quite funny especially with the gossip session with wj, with our plans to set up the gossipgang hahaha!but yeah its amazing how we actually face the exact same problems within our own comm and with xxxx.hence we went all high gossipping nonstop! (:
haha and appreciation dinner at csc was like damn ulu. we reached at 730 and was considered early when the thing started at like 6?haha yeahh but it was quite fun with the half a piece of card thing(i won a chocolate bar with some other person whee!) ohh and while the band was performing, one of the boards on the stage dropped off and we were like hahahahha!and the lucky draw top prize was damn hilarious!it went sth like 'okayy now the top prize, vouchers from xiangqi/qixiang/jiangxi' and i was like asking fang what on earth was that and then the person called out the number then silence.fang stared at my number and i looked at it and was like OHH!hahha and it turned out to be like $100 voucher from that random restaurant hahaha!
hmmm but i still prefer last year's dinner which was definitely alot better!
i realise i should stop procrastinating and start finishing my tutorials!gahhh save me from the never-ending workkk!okayy back to work ):