haha okayy had a very interesting driving lesson today hmmm.very funny and interactive instructor who was very gossipy and kept laughing at himself for being fat HAHA. and rarr he said my face is CHUBBY!grr annoying just cos i laughed at him for being like a lobster!okayy but yeahh driving wasnt as smooth cos of my gear shifting and all ohman its just so troublesome!okayy seriously hope i can pass man.anywayy somehow bbdc has this service that i can drive all the way to my doorstep and the instructor will drive the car back for me.i was like shocked and doubtful when he asked me to get off the car right in front of my place so i refused to get off hahahaha and my mum was shocked to see me home so fast!
shopping with nw!hahah was definitely a fruitful trip yayy thanks for helping my in my tough and stressful decision-making!hahaha yayy i cant wait for next week! (:
nus matric day hahaha okayy was super blur when i reached and joined the first queue that i saw which ended me up at the international students queue for student pass!hahah was super embarrassing when the person told me otherwise gahh.okayy then og lunch at biz canteen hmmm the canteen looked rather rundown actually and we waited there for like FORTY-FIVE mins before the rest came!hahaha hmmm the ppl are like hahahhaa okayy i shant say anything more but im really glad to have met jean!haha my new friend there hoho met each other through recognition of the osa bag okayy i think its useful for once!yayy cant wait for oweek and all!hope it'll be fun! (:
yayy then mahjong with retards and wanyi!was definitely much fun!wanted to use chips as substitute for the chips (HAHA my brilliant idea!) but yeahh all of us ended up finishing our own packets of chips after a few rounds!hehh we should meet up more often for mahjong sessions!though i got like backaches hahaha!and yayy i cant wait to meetup with yeech in school!my fellow cca mate+good food scouter+gossips during lunch buddy! (:
gahh anyway,pau and karen are back in aussieland! ): booo no more random breakfasts (with sweegeok!hehh) and just hanging out.anywayy take lotsa care alright!december, quick come!
haha busy busy day ytd!there was breakfast in the morning with pau,karen and fang at btmarket. nice morning out just talking (: then there was driving hahaha yayy my first 'road trip' hehh was indeed very very fun!had a really nice instructor who let me go out to the road on my third lesson yayy!was really apprehensive at first cos of my lousy skills but he was like 'so you wanna drive round and round for 100mins?' and i was like 'nooo!' hahhaha okayy very exciting! sorta beat my first red light today hahaha and i really dislike jaywalkers rarrr.the zebra crossing is simply like less than a metre away yet they chose to cross right in front of the zebra crossing and i was like whattt!grrr stop being road hazards and stick to road safety please!
hahaha then the exciting ICECREAM BUFFET with our wonderful pw group!congrats to kareen with the unbeatable record of
21scoops!whooo really peifu you man!then its me with 12!we should go on more buffets! (: had a super long talk there and it was rather embarrassing with steph's super loud laughter!hahaha but really,i cant wait for our 10th year reunion!it was a really nice feeling just relaxing and talking about all kinds of things and lots of gossips hehh.

the waffles that can soak up our leftover coffee&tea and got them all addicted doing it!

ROUND 2 (yumyummm)

ROUND 3 (hmmm abit full alr)

ROUND 4 (almost there!) yayy the prettiest combination!

INTERVAL - fries! (:
ROUND 5 (two of my top 3 best flavours there!)

ROUND 6 (okayy i cant take it anymore...but it still tastes good!)

yayy AC109!

okayy it made me feel so full at the end of the day cos i still had to eat dinner when i reached home! gahh but happy happy day with my first time on the road and delicious (stomach-exploding) icecream buffet! (: hmmm and i need to cut my hair and go shopping for more clothes! (hahahaa sorry nw im like tempting you!)
yayy first driving lesson today!it was super fun except for the rather cold instructor i got.hehh nevertheless,i think he's a good instructor cos he kept training my legs(like 50+ times just depressing the clutch!) they were like dying after that haha.anyway,i was like waaaa! when the car first moved forward.haha okayy was really amazed when i could like manoeveur the car abit at the start yayy!haha and i didnt even know when the car stalled until he told me to turn the key to start the engine hahaha!okayy but yeahh i really love the feeling of being behind the wheel,having control of the car and all, especially when you're about to move off from the stationary position.hahah its damnn fun! (: i cant wait for the next lesson but booo the slots are really horrible. gahh okayy im so excited now wheee! (:
anywayy, its 2hours to trinette's birthday!
lately,ive been enjoying my dreams alot.for some reason, they all seem to be so peaceful and enjoyable (: the most memorable one was about my future and another one on my primary school best friend. talking about my primary school best friend,she was definitely the one i treasured the most in my primary school days.always spotted together in school,holding hands wherever we go and talking on the phone non-stop even though we just saw each other in school a few hours ago.and even after we were in different schools after p2,we still wrote letters to each other till we were sec2 i think.was packing my house earlier and unearthed those letters and that feeling of nostalgia just gushed back altogether.how we used to eat together at the icecream stall,the horfun,the super ultra long calls daily etc.woww i think its really amazing how our friendship lasted for so long.and so i woke up and lay on my bed,counting the number of years we havent seen each other and omg it was like T-E-N!okayy this is like so unbelievable but i think my dream was somehow a sign for us to meet up!and so i shamelessly emailed her asking to meet up haha i really hope she replies!otherwise i think i'll be rather disappointed.
gahh anywayy,went back to ac today and it was such a nice feeling seeing so many people who came back coincidentally!dear dear kareen!hahah it was such a pleasant surprise seeing you and jiayou for this sunday's marathon dear!then there was mandyw&athena!hahaha okayy then the teachers-mr tan,mdmling and mstcc! hahah ms tan was soo cute!she was like 'ohh this is not the usual tcc class right?' hahaha reminds me of how she used to say herself as tcc as in the coffee connoiseur!okayy but she was really encouraging and all why didnt i used to realise that at all tsktskk.ohh then mdmling seemed so excited(i think) when she saw us!haha okayy but she had to rush off to meeting so didnt have the chance to talk to her ): anyway,felt so touched during that period of time when all of them were so helpful and all.felt quite guilty for not doing as well as i should have but ohwell i shant slack in uni anymoree! (:
haha then there were jumpshots!hahah it was so funny cos we just kept jumping and jumping aimlessly as we werent familiar with the blinker hehh.and went shoe-shopping with karen!now i know what im gonna get alr heee.thankyou for keeping me company dear!how i wish you dont have to leave so soon!boo i'll definitely miss you and pau loads!outings without you two are really different you know!
the yummylicious eggplant my mum taught me how to cook!yumyumm!

everyone at the concourse! (:

jumpshots at bleachers!this is the most successful one i took on my camera (:
(yayy karen and me the pro ones!we were trained during the alevel days!)
anywayy nice background right!looks as though we were photoshopped in!

far east lift with the weird guy who kept talking nonstop!
argh i realise i should stop procrastinating my updates cos they're all accumulating tsktskk. anyway yayy finally went cycling with yeechian,yanqin and wanyi last last sunday!haha nice tanning session yayy!haha we cycled for less than half an hour and decided to slack at this rock table for like half an hour!lots of catching up done and experienced this really cool korean drama scene (thats what yeech calls it) where leaves and all were flying everywhere due to the sudden strong wind!so we were like cycling with our eyes closed and worst of all, we were against the wind omg so it was really tiring!then on our way back,it started raining rather heavily!so we chiong-ed our way back and the rain hitting against our body was really painful!but still, there was really strong sun before so yayy to tanning!haha and i cant wait to go for the mahjong session wheee! (:
check out the nice landscape while it was still bright and sunny!

yayy then there was ftt and yayy both of us passed and finally applied for pdl omg it was such a horrifying experience!the lady was soooo fierce!like how would i know you're not allowed to pay using cash right!grrr oops and i gave her the wrong answer for the eyesight test then she was like whattt!hmm the service there is really horrible and we're paying so much to get scolded!rarr!but yayy to pdl! (though we could have gotten it 2months ago!)

hmm okayy then fast forward to sleepover+sentosa!yayy okayy finally went back to sc with karen!but there was like no one around and the stalls were closed too! ): haha but it was just such a nice feeling going back,taking photos,talking and slacking around (: then went town to eat mogu-mogu!hahah super cool concept they have there.but the person dressed up as some manga character was just abit redundant as the machines were like self-explanatory. the food there was good though and i love the cute layout of the place! (: hmmm went to karen's place and played with the swing!wheee!havent played that since primary 2!haha it feels damn good to be up there high and feeling the cool breeze! (: then there was mahjong!wheee!hahaha i miss it so much la!haha and all the weird camwhoring ballet poses which are just too embarrassing! watched ps.i love you and omg it was such a trashy movie!it was so not touching and everything just doesnt link at all!there wasnt any proper introduction of the characters and all unless you've already read the book. i really wonder how ppl can cry at this movie man.okayy lots of criticisms from me on that movie but gahh it was just so horrid and waste of my time!anyway,then there was class outing!great time catching up and just meeting everyone again (: thankyou all those who turned up yayy!

haha oh and i went back to my workplace ytd!it was definitely much fun!going back there and seeing everyone again was such a nice feeling.thankyou job for asking me to go back and
HAPPY BIRTHDAYY DEARR!was really touched when you invited me back for your celebration!love you lots xgg! <3 haha and its funny how they still come and look for me when they have any questions regarding schoolwork and all and how my class will still give me their work to check.i really miss those days and im so touched that they still regard me as their teacher no matter what.
and the p6s!even though i dont teach them at all, they were still so happy to see me!thankyou rayner for wanting to go home and bring samy for me to see!that really meant alot to me!hahaha and louis' one was the ultimate! (stop acting shy!) then listened to enid gossipping to me about ___ haha omg really cant stand her la!rarr on behalf of them!hung around till it was time for closing and saw my dearest ahpo and gabriel!am so proud of gabriel for wanting to behave even when everyone else denies him the benefit of doubt.jiayou and dont give up k! (:

the birthday boy! <3

yayy mirror shots! ((:

pau's face fits in perfectly!hee!
why are there people who are so un-appreciative seriously i cant stand it anymore!go do it yourself if you think its so easy and that you can do it much better!stop coming to tell me it a failed whatever at least we made the effort to think of a plan b okay!not like you put in any effort anyway!ppl like wj are like happy enough it took place so why are you grumbling so much!stop taking everything for granted rarrr!pissed!
woww ive stopped work for a week already!hahaha it definitely felt as though sth was amiss for the first few days (ie not checking bags,not giving hw, not scolding kids, not counselling them) haha the days after were really shiok!met up with pau&karen when they came back that day (yayy i missed you guys loads!).haha we were being total freeloaders at gap, resting at their sofa (pretending ahem hahah!) okayy it was just super hilarious. then met up with fang&pau (
happy belated birthday fang!) hahha the 19 layers were super funny hehh i hope you enjoyed your last year of teenage-hood dear! (:
then spent 2 days out with my dear mummy!haha great shopping trips and relaxing days (:
yayy then finally meeting today!okayyy it was rather productive with lots of funny ideas heh my agenda is like damn good! (: okayy not bad like everyone was rather enthusiastic!i really think this is gonna be really successful!looking forward to emb too yayy!
hahha and yayy finally got to know someone decent in my course haha but too bad ahpek you'll be my junior! ):
anyway,rarr stop boasting to me about how good everything is. it really sucks to know that you might be in that now but you're not so stop reminding me you irritating one!i dont need you to tell me how good it is and what you're having and all. just get out of my life!stop making me waver cos im determined to do well in this right now.