The Last Ride
Monday, June 30, 2008
last day of work was just a blast!i cant believe six months has just whizzed past just like that. i miss teaching them, i miss playing with them, i miss their random comments while im busy scolding them, i miss all their funny questions and most importantly, i miss them. ): i've had my share of ups and downs while working there and it has definitely been an unforgettable experience. i feel so glad that i had chosen to work in this line instead of others. those kids can really make my day, cheering me up just when im feeling so moody and all. im already starting to miss them loads!

almost cried while saying goodbye to nic as i was sending him to school. i really really love him man. when i reached there in the morning, he came up to me and was like 'ruiyu-jiejie, im very sad today and i'll be even more sad tmr ):' then as we went to the bus stop, we were both hoping that the school bus never arrives. and he was telling me that he was telling others earlier saying 'i love ruiyu-jiejie' and thought to himself, hoping that i can return soon. and he was like saying that he'll really cherish my gifts and polish all of them and keep them safely in his drawer.awww...anyway we seized the chance to take tons of photos!all his act cute and really really cute photos ahhh. then the dreaded moment came as his schoolbus arrived. he boarded the bus, ran to his seat and started waving to me nonstop with lots of flying kisses. that really sad face of his, as i stayed through to the very last moment till his bus made a turn into the main road and i could see his face no more, really broke my heart. take care little one!i'll definitely miss you lots and lots!

my handsome little boy who said this is the michael jackson pose hahaha!
my dear dear class!
yo goodlooking weizhe! failed attempt at acting like a robber!
HAHAHA okayy this never fails to crack me up!

lovely dearies <3the uberly cute class of P1s and P2s!
doesnt he just look like some macho man!
my dear dear ahpo!
the presents i received! thankyou viv,galvin,yunting and huiyu!
so pretty right! (:

all their effort. i was really touched!thankyou my dear class for trying to make everything a surprise for me, by hiding the baskets under my table and all, pretending that it was from some other people. and caiqi for a very pretty drawing of me (i will definitely keep it forever!) ahhh all these are just making me so nostalgic!to my dear dear class, though you all wont be seeing this anyway, just wanted to tell you guys to keep up the good work and to work hard k! i may not be teaching you all anymore but i really do hope you guys wont slacken down alright! i know every single one of you has the potential to do well and i really do believe in all your abilities! work hard and dont disappoint me! jiayou dears!i love you all!

Last ride on; 9:10 PM

Thursday, June 26, 2008
wanted to update for ages but im just too lazy to do so. anywayy, i think my kids are uberly cute! (: i think i'll be damn sad when i leave them on monday. they're really like superr sweeet! told them that i'll be leaving on monday (cos stupid w kept coming to my class and kept telling them,gloating etc rarr) so job was like 'huhhh but im celebrating my birthday here on 14th july!nevermind i'll go home and ask my mum if i can change the celebration to this week or by monday!' like awww...and then his mum called me up to invite me to go back for his birthday party.she was like 'sure ah!okayy promise ah,dont bluff k' hahaha okayy im just so touched,thankyou dear!

ohh and thankyou my dear class for wanting to make something for me before i leave. thankyou all for trying to make it a surprise for me (: then my class was like asking me if i would go back and teach them after uni and i was like hahaha!and of course, dear nic who was like 'huhh you're leaving on monday?ohno then i'll not go to school on monday and i'll bring you home so i can bring you back here on tuesday!' like awwww...thankyou dear!i was just really touched by what he said that i didnt know how to reply him.

i love how those kids are so innocent and cute. thankyou all for making everything worthwhile. thanks for being so hardworking this term so i dont have to keep scolding you all/give you all pep talks all the while. i love you all,my dear lil kids! <33

somehow,they're so much better than adults.i hate xxxxx rarr!stop coming to my class and vent your anger on them after you've just scolded your kids!and stop comparing me with _____ cos i see no point in scaring kids just to show off how much authority you have. your ultimate aim is for them to improve and not to scare them into doing well!so that means once the 'scare' is gone,they'll just lose motivation cos they hated studying thanks to your frightening antics!rarrr stop gloating and all though i know you cant wait for me to leave!i hate you rarr!get out of my class and stop scaring my kids!

ahhh okayy i cant believe how fast time whizzes past! six months of teaching/scolding/playing/lecturing/reasoning with them has indeed been a memorable experience. i just hope monday doesnt come so soon. ):

Last ride on; 9:09 PM

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
haha okayy i realised i'm always posting overdue stuffs haha but i'm always too tired at the end of the day. shall try to rmb everything in sequence.

last friday was excursion day!it was definitely much fun!my first time to escape theme park and i was like playing all sorts of lame stuffs like shoot the hole/aim the ball to make the horse trot/choo choo train(which was moving at snail's speed) etc. hahah and of course there was the very exciting viking and inverter that made me scream till i had no voice. hahah thanks to the wonderful p6s who made me sit on the viking twice and we were like comparing our screams and brought me onto the scaryyy inverter that was turning round and inverting 360degrees at the same time!

playing with the uberly cute p1s was super entertaining hahaha!went to the yakult ride with nic (its this thing where you lie onto this cushion thing and it goes up and turns round and round) yeahh and nic was like "ruiyu-jiejie you dont be scared okay!if you're scared just hold on to my hand. i'll save you!" hahaha and i burst out laughing at that!then when we were up there, he was like "look!we're superman and superwoman!vrooomm!" haha! (:

i realised that boys arent that brave after all!brought some of them to the haunted house and the guys were the ones who were like super scared and louis didnt want to continue walking while jr was like pushing him hahahha!all of us totally had a good laugh after that!anyway the haunted house was sooo not scary la!it was just so foggy and i couldnt even see a thing and it was all the plastic figurines inside thats like hahhahaa!but yeahh good tanning place and i even had a sunburnt nose!

met up with trinette, leakhena and liao and ate the super dry pasta that made us so ): but that boney cake at nydc cheered us up! (:

then met zx to spring a surprise attack on lily dear but turned out to be a flop gahh.wanted to go to her house but she was just about to leave so we had to travel all the way to seng poh lane and we took like damn alot of wrong buses and walked ultra far cos we either missed the stop/alight too early.hahha but im so glad we went to meet her!our emo/sad mood was always ruined by some random things like cats and oncoming cars haha what an eventful night!dear lily, please do take lots of care, i'll miss you lots!

happy fathers' day!got woken up by yq's call and omg im soo sorry dear!totally forgot about it and made you guys travel all the way to ecp!i'm so so so sorry k!but must definitely meet up again soon!

then went shopping with dad&mum and thankyou for buying me my long-awaited...for more information:

hahaha okayy i've been feeling very happy these days as i get to enjoy my journeys with music yayy! (long time deprivation after my ipod died rarr) hahha yayy and its like touchscreen! ((: hahah anyway got new soft lenses as well (yayy no more painful hard lenses!) wheee!

hahha okayy was a rather slack day at work cos i've just finished clearing almost all of booklet yayy and i've decided to let them play cos they've been suffering for so long. hahha and my kids laughed at my noob-ness at cooking mama 2 rarr.they were saying i dont know how to cook booo so not true la.haha anyway cooking mama is like sooo addictive!hahha okayy shall continue playing tmr yayy i shall beat them all! (:

Last ride on; 8:40 PM

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
yayy okayy random presents from my kids!hahah okayy thankyou viv for this really cute mismatched earrings!i love you lots! ((: combined effort of wx and queena (wx drew the first 2 and q drew the bigger ones hehh they were claiming their 'territories' when telling me hahaha!
the nice xmas trees + random tree draw by queena (:
and her xmas card!

awww okayy its really super sweeet i love them loads!thankyou lil kids for making my day and for cheering me up all the time!i bet i'll miss them so much when i finally end work!
and im just so disappointed in everyone.friendship and all, everything's just a facade im so tired of it. give me a break seriously.i hate this whole thing about bitching and backstabbing.get out of my life!

Last ride on; 8:21 PM

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
haha long overdue post with regard to our venture to haji lane! (:

the first photo we took!after seeing a mirror,we just had to pose with our coolio shades! (: the nice shop where we got our nice rings!(i love the background!)
this is a really unique shop where the door is a symmetrial 3 (on the right hand side) and opens automatically!and best of all,there's a reflective surface! ((: the unique container which made me think of jiayou!hahha so nua,add oil for As! (:
check out the sign behind!its sooo sweeeet! (and we took this photo while walking down the stairs!
haha okayy the shops there are really unique but damn alot of stairs!hahaha the goods sold there are really super cute and i bought like 2 rings there yayy!and it started pouring damn heavily halfway i realise it always happens with nua around!hahha but it was definitely worth the trip there! (:
yayy then met up with liyi on fri and it was just so good catching up on so much things!like bitter yj and gossipy cliques.i wonder how we used to survive through all those.hahha and we sat there contemplating life and stuff hahaha okayy such a nice relaxing night! (:
hmmm and my kids really cheered me up ytd!thankyou viv.gan for your really pretty earrings!haah they know that i like mismatched earrings and so she bought this pair of really cute mismatched earrings for me on her trip to msia!hahah and thankyou queena and wx for drawing such cute stuffs for me!photos of those up soon cos im too lazy now hahhah!haha and i left a lovenote for them telling them the hw to be done and they were like 'but its not lovenote!its homework note!' so i went to draw lots of hearts around my name and they were like 'yeahh thats more like it!' hahha okayy they really make me smile at the sillliest things ever hahhah! (:
then met up with lily fang zx and mindy today and it was a great gathering with lots of camwhoring!it was super embarrassing as we went up and down the wisma escalator,taking photos of our reflections in the mirrors i think we attracted lots of stares hahhaha!but yeahh again,im too lazy to upload photos so check out the next post or go fb! (:
watched narnia with them and it was good!considering the fact that i didnt watch the first one and was abit lost until zx kept updating me with details from the first movie.hahaha both brothers are goodlooking la!hahha and it was rather sad but nvm i shan't spoil the story for those who haven't watched!thought that it was really meaningful as it showed how faith can change everything. (:
yayy and the highlight of the day. we finally got host school for our event! ((: i was like super stunned when i got the email and read it like thrice to make sure before i told nua and we were like wheeee!hahha okayy its prob the best thing that has happened since we embarked on our proj and it shows that our proj is substantial enough that a school is willing to endorse it!yayyy i cant believe this is true!hahha okayy thankyou my very effective comm!i love you all! (:

Last ride on; 9:56 PM

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
okayy long overdue post but yayy!finally got to meet up with sc ppl!yayy shuqin wanyi nic and yanqin!went ochacha which was a rather nice place (: loved the matcha blended cos it was so rich in green tea!gahhh perfect drink anytime!hahha the 'delicious cakes and desserts', as advertised on the magazine, was just average.

yayy us trying to take the perfect shot while they went to place orders (:
OCHACHA! (see the big O behind!)
and then at al-ameen yayy!hahah felt so contented cos we had all the wonderfully delicious food hahha!and we went abit crazy after a tired day at work!
the black forest cake at ochacha which had red beans between the layers.
this was really good!matcha cake that had a really rich taste of green tea and its not too sweet too! (:
hmmm this was good but the centre of it was like totally filled with whipped cream. the sides were like green tea sponge cake which was good though! (:haha okayy ahh and haji lane with jiayun which was totally rewarding hahha okayy im so tired i shall update about that some other day with photos hee! (:

and grrr work today was totally horrid.have never been so pissed before but they really drive me crazy walao stop being so lazy and trying to squirm your way out of everythingg grrr!okayy there's A,B and C. A and B are temp and C is perm experienced teacher. so its lunch time and j wasnt around so yeahh all their lazy selves surfaced. A said 'oh i ate sth at home alr,i dont think im eating.' B said 'where're you going to buy from?' right away when we said we wanted to have is it like our responsibility to buy for you? C said 'oh so you go and buy lor' RARR damn pissed alr but thats not the end!when i came back, they were like waiting for me to SERVE them GRRRR!like after awhile,C came and join me and then i started eating(and threw theirs aside!) and i was like no way am i gonna serve them okayy!pissed off alr!then C had to ask one of the students to bring the food over to them grr who do you think you are?so i was like daoing them and giving the black face im so irritated!okayy first time ive ever used the f word in public places grr and before that,i was talking to my class and A&B were standing outside my class and talking at the top of their voices that i couldnt even hear what my class was saying when they were obviously very quiet alr so i was like 'EHH!can all of you keep quiet!?!its so noisy i cant hear anyone of you!' seems like im scolding my class but it was definitely directed to them!then the both of them finally shut up and walked off like FINALLY!rarr they seriously have no self-discipline.just because j's not around doesnt mean you can do whatever you want.just like how you shouldnt do the right thing only when ppl are looking.grrr

but my kids really made my day!they were like super obedient!like when i was out(like rarr!) and came back,the class was in complete silence and when i asked why they were so quiet,they said its because i was not there hahaha!okayy that made me abit happier after the moment i exploded. but its so ironic how kids like them can exercise self discipline but adults like them cant!rarr im still damn pissed with them RARR!

haha anywayy happy one year anniversary pinkies!hahaha okayy though like there're so many conflicts cos of emb now but ohwell i miss those days!spending 4d3n tgt with total strangers and coming out with such valuable friendship.i'll never forget my fave bickering partner/fellow nua/best shopping partner and like our creative members hahahaha but still, happy one year anniversary! ((:

Last ride on; 8:36 PM

歌: Plastic Tree
作詞 & 作曲: 有村竜太朗










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    Image and Brush: deviantART
    Lyrics from リプレイ by Plastic Tree
    Designer: wintermin