haha okayy the last day of school for them meant a chaotic day for me!thankyou lil kids for making my day nevertheless. and to jt gahhh you're just so annoyinggg!sucks la why cant you just help out rarr. hahah anyway small nic was soo cute la!he's like so witty for his age and never fails to make me smile even when i was feeling damn pissed and all.
me: between cq and ct, who's the prettier one?
him: cq
me: how about everyone here and me?
him: ruiyu-jiejie! (with the very cute smile)
awwww...hahah that just made my day la.and then he said he was tired so he just laid on my lap and acted like superman hahha!and we went around kissing everyone else and each other with cj7 hahaha and he'll have the sound effects haha he just melts my heart (:
watching the charity show earlier really touched me greatly. i rmb this story that was told that really made me tear. it was about this rescue job that came to discover this body of a lady. they found that she was in an awkward position face-down. the rescuers were puzzled but came to realise that she was cradling a 3-month-old baby, protecting the baby from the collapse of the building. the baby managed to escape unscathed and was still sleeping peacefully when found but the mum was dead. and they found a phone on her that had the words typed: "baobao, if you manage to survive, please do remember that i love you." (translated into english) awww..it was really noble of her, to use her life to protect her baby. and the moment you told me you didnt want me to leave, you wanted me by your side, i was trying hard to fight back those tears. kinship.its really an indescribable thing that's able to make you unleash your inner self and fight hard to protect your loved ones. thankyou my dear family for everything.
haha okayy anyway on a lighter note, its gss and i need to shop badly!i feel so deprived ever since i started work haha and yayy met up with shuqin wanyi nic and yanqin for dinner on friday!whee hahaha its so nice to meet up with them after so long!discussing all our uncertainties and plans and all. haha and we saw vincent ng how cool is that!haha he's like much better looknig in person!gahh okayy stupid we were being misunderstood for ogling at him cos we havent made up our mind and were walking to and fro, near to where he was sitting. haha but we only realised him when we passed by the last time!but still ahhh!haha
okayy and i really miss those days (:
hahha such a wonderful shot ((:

it seemed not so long ago that we were so excited about the trip and all. haha but ohwell im so glad it came true! ((:
yayy an absolutely durian-y post! ((:
hahah funn day it was, with lots of durians and wonderful time spent with my dear nuaworm hehh. anywayy yayy so we finally went for the durian fiesta!it was yummilicious!we both felt so good taking the first bite! (imagine the fireworks as shown in ratatoiulle!) hahha and yeahh and we were so blur in there hahahha.
here we were!
yayy super fun day out with nuaworm hahahah looking forward to the arab street one! ((: bahh but it can only be after event ): im like so excited about it alr hahahha!cant wait to get the supr pretty bangles i didnt buy the other time rarr.
yayy anyway im so happy that we're seeing improvements!jiayou jiayou!thanks for everything!more updates and initiative from everyone alr yay! (: